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Creating your first audio fiction podcast is fun, exhilarating… and sometimes a little terrifying. If you’re a new creator of audio drama, the Racconstronauts at Procyon Podcast Network want to offer you some of the support that kept us going as we were writing our first seasons.


Writing audio drama is great! But it can also make you feel like you and your script have been shipped out to Mars in a tin can for a solo orbit — especially by the time you get to episode five or six.


That’s where the Rocket Booster Program comes in!

We’re offering free one-on-one script consultations to new creators of audio fiction. Selected creators will be offered a one-hour Skype consultation with a Procyon creator to discuss their show and talk about the podcasting process, as well as a set of detailed script notes.


Our goal is to help you craft podcast scripts that meet your storytelling goals and set you up for success once blast through the asteroid belt into the auditioning, recording and production phases of your show.


The current round of Rocket Booster is now open!


Who can apply?

This does not have to be your first publicly distributed piece of media, but it should be your first audio fiction podcast for public release. (If you’ve made nonfiction podcasts before, you still count!)


For this program we ask that you be 16 years of age or older in 2019 to submit.


To get the most out of Rocket Booster we recommend you have at least three completed scripts and an outline/plan for the rest of your first season. This gives us enough material to offer you constructive feedback, get a sense of your style and really understand your story goals.


If you are just starting to write your audio drama don’t worry! You aren’t missing out. Our goal is to run this program again later this year. In the meantime, have you checked out Starship Iris’s list of podcast creation resources?

Please Note



  • Longer term consultation services, such as creating full marketing plans or finding sponsorships, aren’t a part of this program. There are great paid consultants in the audio drama community such as Julia Schifini and the folks at Multitude Productions.


  • We cannot take requests to work with specific Procyon creators for this project. If there is a person on our team you are passionate about collaborating with, we suggest contacting them for their paid consultation rates via (Also, please remember we are all raccoons with feelings, who are donating our time to this project.)


When will I know if my application is accepted? 
Our first intake process will run from now until 11:59 p.m. PST, April 1, 2019. Decisions will be made over the first week of April.


Why do I have to apply? 
All of our creators are pretty busy so we can only offer a limited number of consults per application period. In cases where we have more interest than slots we’ll prioritize shows which increase participation of underrepresented folks in podcasting and also consider things like how developed your show is, how wide a range of styles and genres we are supporting and so on.


I’m going to be 16 after the submissions period closes. Can I apply? 
If you’ll be 16 this year (2019) we won’t sweat it too much for Rocket Booster. (Note: this only applies to Rocket Booster, since it’s a free consultation. Our 18-and-above-only rule still applies to all auditions and production positions.) On the flip side, most of us are in our late 20s or 30s so please make sure that your parent(s)/guardian(s) and you yourself will be comfortable chatting with an adult.


I have a great idea for a podcast but I’ve only written one episode/an outline. Can I apply?
For this program you should have a few episodes (about 3) written as a minimum. There are things about your show you just can’t know for sure until you get things in print. We plan to run at least one more Rocket Booster intake this year so if you’re in the early stages of writing consider this an incentive to keep going!


Can I apply with multiple projects? 
You may, but in the interest of reaching as many folks as possible we will only select one project per creator. (Caveat: If you’re applying as part of two different teams we will consider those projects from different creators.)


If I don’t get a consultation this time can I apply again next time? 
Yes! Please do!


If I get a consultation this time can I apply for another project later? 
If you’ve already used Rocket Booster to help get a show ready for production we’d appreciate it if you make space for other newcomers to get involved.


Can I work with a specific Procyon creator or team?
Sorry, no. If you want to work with a specific creator we recommend emailing us at for their paid consultation rates.


Can I write for Procyon through this program? 
Sometimes our shows may hire writers (as Starship Iris did recently for its second season) but this process isn’t designed for that. If you’re interested in those kind of opportunities watch our Twitter at @ProcyonPodcasts. We’ll post any job opportunities there. Also, in the interest of transparency, we aren’t at a stage where we are financially and organizationally able to pick up new shows from outside creators.


Why is my show of white straight abled cis dudes written by a white straight abled cis dude not a priority of this program?


If you have a question that is not answered by our FAQ or our program guidelines you can email us at with ‘Rocket Booster’ in the subject line.

Terms and Conditions

(a.k.a. the legal stuff):

There are a lot of different ways to produce the same idea. The wide array of audio fiction shows in which an isolated person searches for a missing friend, a found family has adventures in space, or a band of co-workers must cope with an unusual office environment, is proof of that.


It is entirely possible that a Procyon creator may be working on, have plans to work on, or independently come up with an idea for a show that is similar to yours over the life of the network.


We want to make it very clear that we are not running this program in order to steal your show, episode or character ideas. We do, however, have to protect ourselves legally. We understand that trusting a band of strangers on the internet will always be a big ask, and won’t be offended if the following terms and conditions turn you off. But we hope the above explains why they’re necessary.


In submitting your show to the Emerging Audio Drama Consultation Program you agree to the following Terms and Conditions:


  1. The materials submitted for review must be solely created and owned by the person or team submitting. You must have full rights and permissions to submit you work for review by Procyon Podcast Network.

  2. In submitting your show to this program you acknowledge that Procyon Podcast Network may have independently developed ideas, or may hereafter develop program formats and materials which are similar to the ideas, program formats or materials which you are submitting to Procyon Podcast Network, and that Procyon Podcast Network will have the unrestricted right to use such similar ideas, program formats and other materials and you will have no right or recourse against Procyon Podcast Network in respect of such usage.

  3. You further understand and agree that you are not entitled to any compensation if Procyon Podcast Network has independently created or hereafter creates material based on an idea similar to the materials on which your submissions is based.

  4. Subject to the provisions hereof, Procyon Podcast Network agrees not to make any commercial use of the ideas or materials submitted.

© 2021 by Alex Yun

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