Cindy has been performing since grade school, acting in school plays and musicals, and after graduating university in which she majored in Economics, she has acted in community theatre, indie films, and Hollywood films and television shows, with such notable projects as Hawaii Five-0, MacGyver, New Girl, Shut Eye, and the upcoming rock and roll themed television show Paradise City. She has now worked with 2/3 of the Hemsworth brothers and needs to complete the set. A huge advocate for #RepresentationMatters, she was delighted to be invited to join the extremely inclusive TSCOSI family, and is actually a fangirl of TSCOSI herself.
You can follow her on IG: @cindychu and on Twitter: @iamcindychu for all her shenanigans.

Ishani Kanetkar stumbled into voice acting as a perpetually exhausted grad student in 2016. She’s since acquired a PhD, credits on The Godshead Incidental and The Far Meridian, and, incredibly, a regular bedtime. When she’s not surviving capitalism, she spends her days basking in the sun, playing music, and galloping through the desert on horseback. You can also find her on Twitter @ishanikanetkar and on Tumblr @thevoicefromthestars, where she is allergic to any uppercase letters that aren't for dramatic effect.
Rukhmani K. Desai is an actress based in Los Angeles, Her recent credits include the 100th episode of Scandal, Terrible HR, and Buffalo Nickel (a short film that's been selected for the 42nd Asian American International Film Festival, CAAMFest and the FAAIM Asian American Showcase). She holds a BFA in Theatre from Southern Methodist University, completed an Acting Internship at Milwaukee Repertory Theater, graduated from the Second City Conservatory program in Hollywood, and also finished the core improv track at The Groundlings School. In addition to acting, she's passionate about representation, social justice, and baking, (and can usually be found talking about/pursuing one or all of these things)! can be found at @RukhDesai on Twitter/IG.

Jamie Price is a voice actor and musician from Edmonton, Canada. They have contributed voice acting to What's the Frequency, Greater Boston, Misadventure By Death, and I'm Not Noah. At Podcon 2 in Seattle in 2019, they were a speaker in a panel about Transgender Representation in Audio Drama. In addition to voice acting, they perform music under the name Must Be Tuesday, and once wrote and produced a stage musical called My Boyfriend's Girlfriend.

Bri is a versatile artist who has performed as an opera singer, musical theatre artist, jazz singer, choral singer and theatre actor across Canada and the United States. A graduate of Laurentian University with a BAH in Music, they now reside in Vancouver performing around the city for accolades and spare change. In addition to singing and acting, Bri enjoys playing the piano, the guitar, and the saxophone. How well they perform these extra instruments is another matter.

Chris is a computer scientist who is currently pursuing a masters in Computer Science at the University of Washington. A gamer and a writer when he has the ideas to put to paper, he is a big fan of science fiction, but also of darker fiction. He finds acting where he can in role playing games, but most of his time is spent working. He's also deeply in love with mathematics, but their relationship is a little tumultuous, like a slightly rough but rock solid marriage.
Jackie started acting in first grade and never figured out how to stop. They've dabbled in everything from musical theatre, lighting design, directing, and script writing, to producing an Edinburgh Fringe Festival show for Bedlam Theatre. Their life-long status as one threat short of a triple hasn't slowed them down yet. This is their first podcast. Thankfully, no one has asked them to dance.

Ella Whomersley as ELLA
James Oliva as Alvy Connors
Sean Rohani as Eejjhgreb
Sam Lamont as Guard
Alexander Cole as Ignatius Campbell (season one)
Ricky Harris as Ignatius Campbell (season two)
Cedric Reeve as Ricky Q
Sarah Golding as Major General J Golding Frederick
Peter Coleman as Junior Agent Goodman
Jo Chiang as Other Violet
Vrai Kaiser as Thasia
Julia Morizawa as Piper Tanaka
Alexander Doddy as Jay Fowley
Lucille Valentine as Kestrel Colvin
Nate Dufort as Max Gavins
Sabrina Sonner as Officer Perry
Angelique Jazz as Dr. Sylvia Robinson
Jeremy Smith-Sebasto as Officer Martin
Jade Rose as Officer Emerson
Rae Tay as Juniper Liu
Jesse Hann as Museum-Goer
Alexander Montgomery as Officer
Lee LeBreton as Chiss'Vatham
Davell Toles as Hreshfal
Aaron Catano-Saez as Julio
Leslie Gideon as Isidore Jones
Chant Wu as Mei Li
Fin Truant as Oakley Canon Brown
Alex Welch as Officer Nan Walker
Jeffrey Nils Gardner as Chairfolk Vashren
Elijah Meyers as Reshthreb
Dorian Wenig as David
Yuuto Kuroki as Yuuri
LW Salinas as Madge
Season One additional voices by: Mary Gleason Best, Casey Best, Manisha Chakravarthy, Ella Moira Seet, Amanda McColgan, Kyle Albanese, Pablo Milla, Jack Pevyhouse, Amiel Evans, Margaret Clark, Phoebe Seiders
Season Two additional voices by: Mak Shepard, Elisha Chen, Rey Vargas, Cody Jowett, Ella Moira Seet, Kay Watson, Ari Delyne